劉伊心的blog http://www.unitebook.com/index.php?m=ta&id=1785506404 1. She needs to choose good Chinese traditional words to show in her blog, because simplified Chinese wor 烤肉食材ds not only kill her own good sense(that already showed in 劉伊心 died hair and style show 裝潢ing in 康熙來了 201-05-05 康熙明星調查局 (下) 看到那 [to show "哪" to replace supposed 那, is committing th 建築設計e crime of "What.Sir.Ten.Drew" lie that is worse than simplified Chinese words suck.]位藝人你不會轉台 http://www.maplestage.net/node/31 澎湖民宿668/康熙來了-201-05-05-康熙明星調查局-(下)-看到那位藝人你不會轉台/ <That last listed 馬國賢 should find a man older AND shorter than him to be his age 訂做禮服nt or/and consultant.>), but also kill all the less good less evil audience and reader's good sense (that already showed how could so many her audience and/or readers vi 土地買賣ew her good appearance that can pleased very picky audience ears and eyes as "做作") 2. If you really like to show up to talk, you have to have the guts to keep your own good better best (Do not 結婚 abandon the good better best you learned from the stage as a model, just like do not abandon your good Chinese traditional words you learned in Taiwan) and do your best to learn from good better best, rather through 商務中心"做作" to score "Too Good To Be True" point than committing the crime of "嘩眾取寵" to follow low lower lowest (Do not show any simplified Chinese words in your personal blog, no matter how many more readers you may draw through 酒店兼職that sucking simplified; do not die your color non-black, no matter how many simplified words Chinese readers are "崇洋" sucking audience). .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 找房子  .

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